Monthly Archives: October 2012

Cambridge Set Hits Top Spot on!

We are very proud to announce that our 45-pc. Ammonite Mirror Service for 8 Flatware Set is currently the Number One Spotlighted flatware on this dynamic site.  The set was given 4.5 stars out of a possible 5 and a total of 31 reviews, most of which are raves.  Here are a few of them:

I am very pleased with this flatwear.  They feel heavy and well balanced and  great quality. I have already recommended them to friends and family.

I shopped and shopped, online and in department stores, for a flatware pattern  that I liked.  I’m VERY picky.  As soon as I saw it on (and I never  saw it in a department store) I knew my searching was over!  With all the other  great reviews on this product I knew that the quality would be great.  They came  with a 25 year warranty!! They are the right size, right weight, and unique  looking. Soon I will order a second set.  I couldn’t be more pleased and hope  that this will be the last flatware I ever buy.

I think this is a wonderful set.  I chose it because of it’s unique design.   When I received it, I wasn’t aware the great quality of the metal.  That made me  love the set even more.  It’s is a little pricey, but, I wanted the item and you  get what you pay for.  No complaints about the product at all.

And there are lots more!  We wish to express our gratitude for these kind words from these great customers.